Common Mistakes to Avoid When Accused of Vehicle Theft

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Accused of Vehicle Theft

Car Theft Charges? Here’s What To Do!

Being accused of stealing a car can be a shock. You might feel scared, confused, and worried about what happens next. It’s normal to have a lot of emotions running through your head. This can be a tricky situation, but there are things you can do to protect yourself. This blog will explain some simple steps you can take and what mistakes to avoid. By knowing what to do, you can have a better chance of getting through this.

The Legal Implications Of Resisting Arrest

You should never try to fight the police, even if you think they are wrong to arrest you for vehicle theft. If you attempt to obstruct officers or resist arrest by running away, refusing to be handcuffed, or offering physical resistance, then you are committing another crime. Also, if you attempt to avoid being arrested then you might be deemed guilty as charged in the eyes of the court and will attract harsher penalties depending on the crime committed. 

How Compliance Can Protect Your Rights

Remaining silent during an arrest doesn’t mean you are guilty. On the contrary, it shows that you are a law-abiding citizen who is respecting the legal system. By obeying the policemen’s directions quietly and politely you do not aggravate the situation, nor get charged additionally, and make a favorable impression on the policemen and the judge. 

It also assists in ensuring that your vehicle crime attorney deals with the car theft charges and does not have to defend you against extra charges of resisting arrest as well. If you feel like you have been mistreated, or your rights have been abused during the arrest, tell your attorney instead of reacting on the spot. 

Importance Of Understanding Miranda Rights

When you are arrested, police must explain your Miranda rights. These include your right to stay silent and your right to a lawyer. It is important to understand these rights because if you are charged with a crime, anything you say after being arrested can be used against you in court. 

If police forget to read your rights, chances are your case will be dismissed or certain pieces of evidence will not be presented in court. Knowing your rights helps you to refrain from making statements that may be detrimental to your case and ensures you are aware of the legal remand during and after detention. 

Benefits Of Remaining Silent During An Arrest

You should not speak during and after arrest apart from providing identity details as it is better to let your lawyer defend you. Make sure you state that you are choosing to stay silent. This prevents you from giving extra information that the police may use against you. 

Staying silent also prevents you from making comments or statements that are taken in the wrong way or could ruin your case. It is advisable to let your vehicle crime attorney do the talking and planning because they understand how to handle legalities that can determine the fate of your case. 

Handling Interrogation Post-Arrest

After an arrest, the temptation to defend yourself or justify your actions may be compelling regardless of the crime committed or the circumstances under which the vehicles were stolen. However, it is not wise to speak without an attorney. Regardless of your intention, any word that you utter can be used against you in court. It is also dangerous to make or misquote statements or comments that can be turned against you, making the situation even worse.

Using your right to remain silent is a legally acceptable move to make. To exercise this right, say, ‘I would like to remain silent.’ Avoid small talk with the officers because such conversations may cause one to incriminate themselves. If the officers continue with the questions, constantly tell them that you do not wish to say anything. Request an attorney as soon as possible and do not answer any questions regarding your case without the presence of legal counsel. 

Dealing With Search Requests

The Fourth Amendment protects you from unreasonable searches and seizures, so the police cannot lawfully search your possessions, including your vehicle. Without these, any obtained evidence might be inadmissible in court. Knowledge of these rights can help you prevent unauthorized interference and harm to your case in court.

To lawfully deny a search request, politely state, “I do not consent to a search.” Ask if there is a warrant and carefully read it to make sure all information such as name, address, and the signature of a judge is correct. If no warrant is provided, keep on denying consent for any searches. However, if the officer continues searching without your permission or a valid warrant, do not resist physically. Instead, mention the lack of consent and make a note of the details for your attorney.

The Perils of Discussing Your Case

It is inadvisable for you to speak to anyone over your case aside from your vehicle crime attorney. Informing your friends, relatives, or even people you meet on the street about your case can be dangerous since whatever you tell them may be used in court. Moreover, these people may twist the meaning of what you said, leading to complications and misrepresentations.

Attaining Legal Representation

If accused of vehicle crime, you must immediately seek legal advice. Find the best lawyer who could represent your case regarding vehicle crimes. You can even look up online legal directories, get referrals from friends or family members, or contact your local bar association to help you find an appropriate attorney.

Once you have the list of vehicle crimes attorneys, schedule a meeting with each to discuss your case and feel their expertise and fit for your legal needs. Describe your case in detail and ask specific questions about their experience handling similar cases, how they defend, and their fee structures.

An experienced vehicle crime attorney like The Law Office of Steven S. Siegel PLLC will provide you with knowledgeable vehicle crime legal advice for every stage of your case, from police interrogation to the most complex courtroom proceedings. We develop tailored defense strategies according to your case, which may mean lesser charges or outright dismissal.


Facing vehicle crime accusations is a tough and overwhelming situation. However, knowing how to cope with the situation may make a difference in your case outcomes. We advise you to remain calm, remember your rights, and contact an experienced vehicle crime attorney. The Law Office of Steven S. Siegel PLLC has extensive experience with auto theft cases and can provide the clarity, support, and legal expertise that you need through this time of your life. Contact us today to request a free consultation.